
So many men all over the world but can seem to find my prince charming.

These guys I keep finding are coming up short and its getting annoying.

Getting older and valuing things I didn’t before

Where is that guy that wants what I want and so much more.

Friendship, marriage, and kids.

And just to be HAPPY is all I ask.


Write my💖

Can’t put best in front of friend anymore

Having a friend is always a good thing but when you put best in front of friend it means something totally different, its like having a sister in my which I didn’t have. I loved her like a family member. In my case my ex best friend we were 20  + years in and everything was smooth. In my opinion I was a great friend to have I was loyal, trustworthy, always lending a shoulder or my ear. Gave great advice to her, kept her secrets, etc., etc. But the one time I needed her I didn’t get the same in return which hurt me. I couldn’t believe after all these years she would turn her back on me. I write all all of this to say no matter how long you’ve known someone you never really know them until you need them or shit gets real. Bestfriends are overrated. So for now friends are all I will have I can’t allow myself to get close like that again. Just my experience.

Write my💖

Love or Lust

Giving you all of of myself, making you mine
Mmm your so damn fine
But that’s all you are, a nice piece of art
Never expressing your true feelings for me
Do you love my heart or just my ass
I think I know but don’t want to face reality
I come to realize that this is lust
Ohh how I lust for you



Write my💖

Write My Heart

Writing from my heart releasing from my mind
Taking the time in a positive way
Typing everything I want to say
Sharing with strangers what I really think
Hoping you don’t think it stinks
Showing my writing from the heart
So take the time out of your busy day and show your part